





人物:Leon Scott Kennedy(里昂·斯科特·肯尼迪)、Ada Wong(艾达·王)、Ashley Graham(艾什莉·格林汉姆)、Albert Wesker(阿尔伯特·威斯克)、Bitores Mendes(比特罗斯·门德斯)、Hunk(汉克)、Jack Krauser(杰克·克劳萨)、Luis Sera(路易斯·赛拉)、Mike(麦克)、Osmund Saddler(奥斯穆德·萨德勒)、Ramon Salazar(雷蒙·萨拉扎)敌人:寄生虫(Las Plagas)、普通的被寄生虫寄生的人形敌人(村民,雇佣兵,教徒等等,狗是特例。统称Los Ganados)、隐形虫(Novistadors)、再生者(Regenerator)、湖怪(Del Lago)、巨人(El Gigante)、村长(Bitores Mendez)、右手蛾摩拉(Gormorrah)、城主(Ramon Salazar)、合体(Sr. Ramon Salazar)、3个吊箱那里的虫子(U3)、克劳萨(Jack Krauser)、萨德勒( Lord Saddler)手枪类:HANG GUN(普通手枪)、PUNISHER(惩罚者)、RED9(驳壳枪,很占格子对不起党啊)、BLACKTAIL(黑尾)、MATILDA(玛蒂尔达);散弹类:SHOT GUN(普通散弹枪)、ROIT GUN(防暴枪)、STRIKER(打击者);麦林类:BROKEN BUTTERFLY(折翼蝴蝶)、KILLER7(杀手7);步枪类:RIFLE(老式步枪)、SEMI-AUTO(半自动步枪);其他武器:TMP(TMP战术冲锋枪)、MINE THROWER(地雷发射器)、HANDCANNON(手炮)、CHICAGO TYEWRITER(汤姆森冲锋枪或芝加哥打字机)、ROCKET LAUNCHER(火箭筒)、INFINITE LAUNCHER(无限弹火箭筒)、P.R.L412(激光寄生虫移除枪)


生化危机4英文:Resident Evil Afterlife。
《生化危机4: 战神再生》是保罗·安德森创作并执导的一部3D科幻动作恐怖电影,由米拉·乔沃维奇,艾丽·拉特,文特沃斯·米勒等担任主演。影片叙述爱丽丝在经历“生化危机3:劫后余生”事件后,持续在病毒肆虐僵尸横行的世界流浪,引领各地的幸存者寻找庇护。当她来到破败的洛杉矶时,陷入被僵尸包围的保护伞公司总部,面对前所未有的危机。


Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube) Game Script

Chapter 1-1

(Opening CG has text displayed)

(In car)

Leon (thinking): I recieved special training via a secret organization working
under the direct control of the president. I was to assume the responsibility
of protecting the new president's family.

Cop 1: (laughs) Why am I the one who always gets the short end of the stick?

Cop 2: Yo, who are you really? Come on and tell us. You are a long way from
home cowboy. You have my sympathies.

Leon: I guess that's a locals way of breaking the ice. Anyway, you know what
this is all about. My assignment is to search for the president's missing

Cop 1: What, all by yourself? (laughs)

Leon: I'm sure you boys didn't just tag along so we could sing Kumbiyah
together at some Boy Scouts bonfire. Then again, maybe you did.

Cop 2: Oh, you crazy american. It's an direct order from the chief himself. I
tell you it's no big thing.

Leon: I'm counting on you guys.

(Car stops on road, Cop 2 gets out to pee)

Leon (thinking): It was right before I was to take on my duties of protecting
the president's daughter when she was abducted. That's the ultimate reason I'm
in this lonely, rural part of Europe. According to our intelligence, there's
reliable information of a sighting of a girl that looks very similar to the
president's daughter. Apparently she's being witheld by some unidentified
group of people. Who would have thought my first job would be a rescue

Cop 2: Ah, it's freezing. So cold all of a sudden. Ah, must be my imagination.
(Gets back inside) Sorry it took so long.

(Car on bridge, stopping)

Cop 1: Just up ahead is the village.

Leon: I'll go and have a look around. (Gets out of car)

Cop 2: We'll stay and watch the car. Don't want to get any parking tickets.

Leon: Right, parking tickets.

Cop 1 (mocking tone): Good luck.

Leon (to himself): Geez, who are these guys?

Cop 1: (rolls down window) Did you say something?

(radio rings)

(Note: If you go back and talk to the cops, Cop 1 says "What, did you lose you
r nerve?", and Cop 2 says "What, did you forget your makeup or something?"
Also, if you try to go back along the bridge, Cop 2 says "Not that way cowboy.
This way.")

Leon: Ah, excuse me. Sir? (pulls out photo) I was wondering if you might
recognize the girl in this photograph?

Villager: (speaking some other language)

Leon: Sorry to have bothered you.

Leon: Freeze. I said freeze!

Leon: ****.

Leon: Where's everyone going? Bingo?

???: A little rough, don't you think? You're...not like them?

Leon: No, you?

???: Okay. Only one, very important question. You got a smoke?

Leon: I got gum.

(Men enter)

???: Perfect. The big cheese.

(Leon attacks and fails horribly)

Leon: What?

Chapter 1-2

???: Feeble humans. Let us give you our power.

???: Hahahaha. Soon, you will become unable to resist this...intoxicating

Leon: Hey. Hey. Wake up.

???: Ai yi yi. Crawl out of one hole, and into another.

Leon: You want to tell me what's going on here?

???: Americano si? Now what brings a bloke like you to this part of the world?
Easy, whoever you are.

Leon: My name's Leon, I came here looking for this girl. Have you seen her?

???: What, are you supposed to be a cop or something? Nah, you don't look
the type.

Leon: Maybe.

???: Okay, Let me guess, she's the president's daughter.

Leon: That's too good for a guess, want to start explaining?

???: Pyschic powers. Nah, just kidding with you amigo. I overheard one of
the villlagers talking something about the president's daughter in the church.

Leon: And who might you be?

???: Me, I'm Luis Sera. I used to be a cop in Madrid. Now I'm just a good for
nothing guy, who happens to be quite the ladies man.

Leon: Why'd you quit?

Luis: Police see, you put your life on the line, no one really appreciates you
enough for it. Being a hero isn't what it's cracked up to be anymore.

Leon: Used to be cop myself, only for a day though.

Luis: I thought I was bad.

Leon: Somehow I managed to get myself involved with the incident in Raccoon
City, on my first day in the force.

Luis: That is the incident with the viral outbreak right? I think I might
have seen a sample of the virus in the lab at my department.

Luis: Do something cop!

Leon: After you!

Mendez: Hmmmm. You carry the blood as us it seems. Nevertheless, you're an
outsider. Just remember, if you become a nuisance (?), you face severe

Leon: What? Same blood?

Chapter 1-3

Leon: What's that?

Leon: ****.

Chapter 2-1

Note: This only happens if you saved the wolf in the trap at the beginning of
the game.

Leon: Hey. It's that dog!

Leon: Ashley!

Ashley: Don't come!

Leon: Hey, take it easy!

Ashley: No! Get away!

Leon: Calm down. Everything's going to be just fine. My name's Leon, I'm
under the president's order to rescue you.

Ashley: What? My father?

Leon: That's right. I have to get you out of here. Come with me.

Priest ?: I'll take the girl.

Leon: Who are you?

Priest ?: If you must know, my name is Osmund Saddler, the master of this fine

Leon: What do you want?

Saddler: To demonstrate to the whole world, our astounding power of course.
No longer will the United States think they can police the world forever. So
we kidnpaped the President's daughter to give her power then...send her back.

Ashley: No...Leon, I think they shot something in my neck.

Leon: What did you do to her?

Saddler: We just planted her a little gift. Oh, there's going to be one hell
of a party when she returns home to her loving father. (laughs) But before
that, I thought I might bargain with the President for some...donations.
Believe it or not, it takes quite a lot of money to keep this church up and

Leon: Faith and money will lead you nowhere Saddler.

Saddler: Oh, I believe I forgot to tell you that we gave you the same gift.

Leon (thinking: When I was unconscious.

Saddler: Oh, I truly hope you like our small, but special contributations.
When the eggs hatch, you'll become my puppets. Involuntarily, you'll do as I
say. I'll have total control over your mind. Don't you think this is
revolutionary way to propogate one's faith?

Leon: Sounds more like an alien invasion if you ask me!

Leon: You okay?

Ashley: Leon, what's going to happen to us?

Leon: Don't worry, we got into this mess, we can get out of it.

Chapter 2-2

Ashley: I opened it Leon.

Ashley: What are we gonna to do Leon?

Leon: I hate to say it, but we're sandwiched all right. Quick, in that cabin!

Luis: Leon!

Luis: Small world, eh? Well, I see that the President's equipped his daughter with...ballistics too.

Ashley: How rude! And I don't believe there's any relevance with my figure and my standing. Who're you?

Luis: Ho ho, execuse me your highness. Perhaps the young lady might wnat to introduce herself first before asking someone his name?

Ashley: Her name's ashley gram, the President's daughter.

Luis (to Leon): Is she...well, you know.

Leon: Don't worry, she's cool.

Luis: Ehh, nevermind, there's supposed to be some obvious symptom before you turn into one of them anyway.

Ashley: Look!

Leon: Ashley, upstairs!

Luis: Okay...it's game time.

Leon: Looks like they're backing off.

Luis: So, what do we do now?

Leon: The bridge I crossed to get here is out, so I guess we have no choice but to keep moving.

Luis: I forgot something, you guys go on ahead.

Leon: Luis.

Chapter 2-3

Note: This only occurs on the right gate path only.

Ashley: Leon!

Leon: You'd better stay outside. Ashley, go hide.

Ashley: Yeah.

Leon: Hasta luego.

Ashley: Are you okay Leon?

Leon: On the other side of the bridge!

Ashley: Yeah.

Leon: You take that one.

Ashley: Okay.

Leon: Ready?

Leon: Come on.

Ashley: Yeah.

Chapter 3-1

Luis: Leon!

Leon: Luis.

Luis: I've got something for you guys. (looking) What? Oh ****! I must have dropped it when I was running away from them.

Ashley: Dropped what?

Luis: A drug that'll stop your convulations. Look, I know you are carriers. You've been coughing up blood, right?

Leon: Yeah.

Luis (to Ashley): And you?

Ashley: Yes.

Luis: Dammit, the eggs have hatched. We don't have much time.

Leon: What are you talking about?

Luis: I have to go back and get it.

Ashley: Let me come with you.

Luis: No, you stay here with Leon. He is better with the ladies, I am sure.

Leon: Why are you?

Ashley: It makes me feel better, let's just leave it at that.

Little man: I was starting to wonder when you might notice us.

Leon: Who are you?

Little man: Me, I am Ramon Salazar the 8th Castellan of this magnificent arciticture. I have been honored with the protigius power from the great Lord Saddler. I've been expecting you my bethrens.

Leon: No thanks bro.

Salazar: My my, we've got a fiesty one. If you care for your own well being,I suggest you surreneder yourself and simply...become our hostage. Or Mr. Scott, you can give us the girl, since you're not worth a penny I'm afraid. You can die.

Ashley: I'm never turning into one of them, never!

Leon: Got that right. We'll find a cure.

Ashley: Look, there's a crank over there.

Ashley: Watch out for me!

Leon: You all right?

Ashley: I'm fine, leave me alone!

Leon: Ashley wait!

Leon: Ashley!

Ashley: What's going on!?

Leon: Don't worry Ashley, I'm coming for ya!

Chapter 3-2

Salazar: What a pleasant suprise. But I'm afraid it's Ashley we need, not you Mr. Kennedy.

Leon: If you don't need me, then get off my back old man!

Salazar: Did you say old man Mr. Kennedy? It might come as a suprise, but I'm only 20 years old.

Leon: So you're just like all the others, a puppet of the parasites.

Salazar: Surely you don't think I'm the same as those dimunitive Ganados. The parasites, Las Plagas are slaves to my will. I have absolute control.

Leon: Well I really don't give a damn. Rain or shine, you're going down.

Salazar: Get rid of our american friend.

Ada: Put your hands where I can see them.

Leon: Sorry, but following a ladies lead just isnt my style.

Ada: Put them up now.

Leon: A bit of advice; try using knives next time. Works better for close encounters.

Ada: Leon. Long time no see.

Leon: Ada. So it is true.

Ada: True? About what?

Leon: You. Working with Wesker.

Ada: I see you've been doing your homework.

Leon: Why Ada?

Ada: What's it to you?

Leon: Why are you here? Why'd you show up like this?

Ada: Heh.

Ada: See you around.

Leon: Ada!

Chapter 3-3

Leon: Leon! I got it.

Leon: Luis!

Saddler: Now that I have the sample, you serve me no purpose.

Leon: Saddler!

Saddler: My boy Salazar will make sure you follow the same fate.

Leon: Stay with me Luis.

Luis: I am a researcher hired by Saddler. I found out what I was up to.

Leon: Don't talk.

Luis: Here. It should suppress grwoth of the parasite. The sample, Saddler took it. You have to get it back.

Leon: Luis! LUIS!

Chapter 3-4

Ashley: Talk about near death experience.

Leon: Ashley, get out of there!

Ashley: The door's locked, I can't open it!

Ashley: I got the key, I can get out!

Ashley: Leon!

Leon: Ashley!

Leon: You did good.

Ashley: I'm sorry if I was..

Leon: Don't worry about it. Come on, let's move on.

Chapter 4-1

Leon: Wait here.

Salazar: I think you've lived long enough. Lets see if you can survive this time.

Ashley: No!

Ashley: Leon, look at the ceiling!

Leon: Dammit. Ashley! Great! More of them.

Leon: ****!

Leon: Ashley.

Ashley: Leon!

Salazar: Mr. Kennedy. Don't you know when it's time to throw in the towel?

Ashley: No, Leon!

Salazar: Hmm? Where's the satisfying sound of one's impalement?

Leon: Won't fall for this old trick.

Salazar: How dare you! No more games! Kill him! Kill!

Salazar: Quickly! We shall prepare for the ritual!

Ashley: Leon. You're alive.

Saddler: It seems that Salazar is having difficulty taming the American pig
(?). Salazar had his chance. Krauser, go get the girl! Oh, and dispose of
this swine while you're at it.

Krauser: Consider it done.

Chapter 4-2

No voice acting.

Chapter 4-3

No voice acting.

Chapter 4-4

Salazar: So nice you could join us Mr. Scott Kennedy.

Leon: You again.

Salazar: The sacred rite that is about to begin at this tower will bestow the girl with magnificent power. She will join us, become one of us.

Leon: This is no ritual, this is terrorism.

Salazar: Isn't that a popular word these days? Not to worry, we've prepared a special ritual just for you.

Leon: Heh.

Leon: Stop!

Salazar: Ah, you've just missed her. The ritual is over. She left with my
men to an island.

Leon: What?

Salazar: I think it's time I payed my due respects towards to your impressive
and stubbon will Mr. Kennedy. Welcome

Leon: Monsters. I guess after this there'll be one less to worry about.

Ada: Need a ride handsome?

Leon: Heh. Okay.

Chapter 5-1

Ada: Got some business to take care of. See you later.

Leon: Women.

Ashley: Help me Leon!

Leon: Ashley.

Leon: Heh. Amateurs. Just hang in there Ashley. I'm coming for ya.

Leon: This is Leon. Request backup. Repeat, request backup.

Leon: Damn!

Ashley: Leon!

Leon: You okay? Come on, let's get out of here.

Chapter 5-2

Leon: Looks like this is it.

Ashley: Ugh, it stinks.

Leon: Sure does.

Ashley: No way Leon.

Leon: Way.

Ashley: Are you out of your mind?

Leon: I knew you'd be fine if you landed on your butt.

Ashley: You! What is this?

Leon: Come on, let's go.

Ashley: What is that thing!?

Ashley: Leave it to me Leon.

Saddler: I can feel them. Growing ever so strongly inside of you.

Leon: Saddler!

Saddler: Perhaps you can resist, but you cannot disobey. Now, come to me Ashley.

Leon: Ashley!

Leon: It's already begun.

Chapter 5-3

Krauser: What's the news on our friend Leon?

Ada: He's not making it easy. The sample?

Krauser: Saddler's got it. IT seems he's sniffed out our little game.

Ada: Perfect.

Krauser: Just so we understand each other clearly, I don't trust you, nor does Wesker. If you try to do anything clever I will kill you.

Ada: Is that so? You know, I met Wesker long before you.

Krauser: We'll see soon enough if you did.

Ada: Yeah, we'll see.

Krauser: Heh.

Krauser: Been a long time, comrade.

Leon: Krauser!

Krauser: I died in a crash 2 years ago? Is that what they told you?

Leon: You're the one who kidnapped Ashley.

Krauser: You catch on quick. That's expected. After all, both you and I know where we come from.

Leon: What do you want?

Krauser: Heh. The sample Saddler developed, that's all.

Leon: Leave Ashley out of this.

Krauser: Oh, I needed her to buy Saddler's trust in me. Like you, I'm

Leon: You got her involved just for that??

Krauser: for Umbrella's sake.

Leon: Umbrella??

Krauser: I almost let it slip. Enough talk, die comrade.

Leon: Ada!

Krauser: Well, if it isn't the bitch in the red dress.

Ada: It looks like we have the upper hand here.

Krauser: You may be able to prolong your life, but it's not like you can escape your invitable death, is it?

Ada: You...knew each other?

Leon: More or less. Maybe it's about time you told me the reason you're here?

Ada: Maybe some other time.

Leon: Ashley.

Leon: What is that?

Krauser: So, you two are all hooked up now, is that it?

Leon: Where's Ashley?

Krauser: Do you really want to know? She's behind that gate. But you'll need 3 insignias to open it.

Leon: What are you gonna do Krauser?

Krauser: There's one in the north, and another in the east.

Leon: Let me guess, you have the last one.

Krauser: It pretty much means you're on a tight leash.

Leon: Sounds like you thought this one out pretty well.

Leon: What do you intend to do, restoring Umbrella?

Krauser: To bring order and balance to this insane world of ours.

Leon: A psycho like you can't bring order or balance.

Krauser: You don't hink a conservative mind can chart a new course for the world, do you?

Krauser: Don't just stand there, come out and fight like a man.

Leon: I'm not falling for that one.

Krauser: Just trying to have fun.

Krauser: What is it that you fight for comrade?

Leon: My past I suppose.

Krauser: I see you've honed your skills.

Leon: Two down, one more to go Krauser.

Krauser: We'll see about that.

Krauser: Witness the power!

Leon: You've lost it completely Krauser.

Krauser: Prepare for your death Leon.

Chapter 5-4

Leon: Damn!

Leon: Hey, it's about time.

Pilot: Sorry, bad traffic. I'll cover you.

Leon: Now that's what I call backup!

Pilot: You looking for firepower you've come to the right place!

Pilot: Take cover.

Leon: Thanks. When we get out of here, drinks are on me.

Pilot: Yeah, I know a good bar!

Leon: Mike!

Leon: I'll make sure you're the next to go Saddler.

Ada: Leon, you okay?

Leon: Yeah.

Leon: Sorry Ada.

Ada: We have to get that parasite out of your body.

Leon: But before that, I have to save Ashley.

Ada: Fine, let's split up.

Saddler: You'll soon harbor an awesome power. Yet it seems you would rather choose death.

Leon: I'm taking Ashley back whether you like it or not.

Saddler: Ah, the audacity of youth.

Ada: Leon, now!

Ada: Move!

Leon: Let's go!

Ashley: This hunk of junk? I don't know about this Leon.

Leon: There's only one way to find out. You operate.

Ashley: Are you sure you want to do this?

Leon: Yeah.

Ashley: Alright, here goes nothing.

Ashley: How are you feeling?

Leon: Like a million bucks.

Ashley: I thought you were gonna die. Alright, guess I'm up.

Leon: You okay?

Leon: I don't know about you, but I think it's time we go home.

Final Chapter

Leon: Something's not right. Ashley, you stay here.

Leon: Ada!

Leon: Better try a new trick, because that one's getting old.

Leon: You okay?

Ada: I've been better.

Leon: What's so funny?

Saddler: Oh, I think you know. The american prevailing is a cliche that only happens in your Hollywood movies. Mr. Kennedy, you entertain men. To show my appreciation, I will help you awaken from your world of cliches.

Leon: Ada, stand back.

Ada: Sorry Leon, hand it over.

Leon: Ada, you do know what this is.

Ada: Don't worry. I'll take good care of it.

Leon: Ada!

Ada: Gotta go. If I were you, I'd get off this island too.

Leon: She really pushed it.

Ada: Here, catch. Better get a move on. See you around.

Leon: Very cute.

Ashley: Leon.

Leon: We have to get off this island now, it's gonna blow any minute.

Ashley: It's gonna what??

Leon: Hang on sweetheart!

Ashley: Waves, behind us!

Leon: I know, just hold on.

Leon: Ashley! Ashley, where are you!?

Ashley: Leon!

Leon: Come on, let's go home.

Ashley: Sounds like a great idea. Mission accomplished, right Leon?

Leon: Not quite, I still have to get you home safe.

Ashley: So, after you take me back to my place, how about we do some...overtime?

Leon: Heh. Sorry.

Ashley: Somehow I knew you were going to say that, but it doesn't hurt to ask,you know. So, who was that woman anyway?

Leon: Why do you ask?

Ashley: Come on, tell me.

Leon: She's like a part of me I can't let go. Let's leave it at that.

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